A typical day

Routines play a pivotal role in a child's life by providing a foundation of stability, predictability, and structure. They foster a sense of security, aiding in emotional regulation and the development of self-discipline and time management skills. Routines also nurture independence, healthy habits, cognitive growth, and language development. Moreover, they encourage social interaction, reduce conflicts, and prepare children for school and future life experiences. While routines offer numerous benefits, a balanced approach that allows for flexibility is important to ensure adaptability to changes while still maintaining the benefits of routine. That is why the Hilltop Early Learning Center classrooms have a schedule that creates a familiar routine for children while offering flexibility in daily activities.

A typical schedule is seen in this example. Please note: each classroom follows a slightly different routine to accommodate for shared spaces (playgrounds, lunchroom, etc.) and specialized outside visiting programs (art, science, dance, poetry, etc.).

7:30 am Arrival 

8:00-8:30 am Morning Work

8:30-9:00 am Breakfast

9:00-9:15 am Circle Time 

9:15-9:35 am Small Groups

9:35-10:35 am Learning Centers 

10:35-11:00 am       Bathroom Check

11:00-11:30 am Outdoor Playground 

11:30-Noon pm Wash Hands & Lunch

12:00-12:20 pm Bathroom Check

12:20-12:30 pm Story Time

12:30-2:30 pm Naptime

2:30-3:00 pm Snack Time

3:00-3:15 pm Bathroom Check

3:15-4:00 pm Indoor Playground

4:00-4:15 pm Book Time

4:15-4:35 pm Music & Movement

4:35-5:00 pm Table Low Activities

5:00 pm Departure